Because your software's access is precious

LicenseGate is an open-source licensing tool for developers. Create, manage and verify licenses or api keys for your software with ease.

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Use Cases

Managing access to your software

A common use case for LicenseGate is to manage access to your software. This becomes especially relevant if your software does not have the inherent need for user accounts.

Frontend-only applications

Scenario: You developed a image editing software that runs on the client’s machine. Now you want to offer a premium version of your software but you don’t want to implement a user account system. LicenseGate can help you with that.

You don’t need any backend infrastructure to use LicenseGate. You manage your licenses in the LicenseGate dashboard and use the LicenseGate API to verify the license in your software.

Many popular software products use this approach. For example, Sublime Text, previous versions of Photoshop and many more.

Applications with a backend

Scenario: You developed a text-to-speech web application with a backend that handles the audio processing. You want to limit the access to your service and have different rate limits for different users. LicenseGate can help you with that.

Implementing a user account system is not always the best solution. And implementing good rate limiting (or other restrictions) can be a hassle. With LicenseGate all that is just one API call away.

API key management

Another use case for LicenseGate is to manage API keys for your software. This is especially useful if you offer a service that is used by other developers. You don’t only have granular control over the access to your service, but you also have detailed insights into the usage of your service thanks to the LicenseGate verification analytics.

Protecting custom software in the selling process

Scenario: You developed a custom software for a client and have usage agreements in place. Or the client wants to try out the software before making the purchase. LicenseGate can help you with that.

You can create a license for the client and manage the access to the software with LicenseGate. You can also set a time limit for the trial period and oversee the usage of the software.

There is more

These are just a few examples of what you can do with LicenseGate. We would love to hear about your use case. Let us know how you use LicenseGate.