Getting Started

Getting started with LicenseGate is easy but your journey might look different depending on your use case.

  1. Sign Up or Self-Host
    1. Sign Up
    2. Self-Host
  2. Create your first License
  3. Integrate LicenseGate into your application

Sign Up or Self-Host

You can either sign up for a free account on LicenseGate Cloud or self-host LicenseGate on your own infrastructure.

Sign Up

To sign up for a free account you just need an email address and a password - no credit card required.

Create an account


For detailed instructions on how to self-host LicenseGate, please refer to the Self-Hosting Guide.

Create your first License

  1. Navigate to “Manage Licenses” and click on ”+ New License” on the top right.
  2. Fill out all required fields
    1. Per default you get a random UUIDv4 as license key. You can change this to anything you like.
    2. The `Your Notes’ section is optional and can be used to store additional information about the license.
    3. You can also specify various restrictions for the license.
  3. Click “Save” on the top right to create the license.

Integrate LicenseGate into your application

Once you created your first license, you will get a popup that walks you through various integration options.

Read more about security considerations to understand what you need to consider when integrating LicenseGate into your application.

At the core a license check is a simple HTTP request:


You can find your user-id in the settings of your LicenseGate account.

The server will respond with a json object that contains the validity of the license:

  "valid": true,
  "result": "VALID"