
LicenseGate can alternatively be hosted using docker.

Thanks to CurlyBytes for contributing towards bringing LicenseGate to docker.



The use of the docker-based setup of licensegate may come with risks, depending on how it is configured. The maintainers of LicenseGate or contributors of the docker-version are not responsible for issues this may cause on either your system or the data stored within it.

It is recommended to change the configurations to not match the default settings. Included in these are database credentials for example.

Installing docker

Docker can be installed by following the documentation from docker itself here.

Setting up the environment

Setting up the caddy network: Docker-based LicenseGate uses caddy-docker-proxy, which requires setting up a network within docker with the name “caddy”:

docker network create caddy

Clone Repository: Once the network has been created, the repository can be cloned using the following command:

git clone

Configure settings through .env: Docker-based LicenseGate requires setting up the configurations within the .env file in the main folder (based off of the template .env.docker.example).

## Docker-Configuration for using LicenseGate within a docker-environment
## !!! These are not the main environment variables to use when setting up licensegate without docker !!! 
## Refer to the docs for more information

## SMTP ##
# The SMTP server is where mail will be sent from. This is required for registering and password resets.
SMTP_USERNAME=[email protected]
SMTP_SENDER=LicenseGate <[email protected]>

# Sessioning-secret, can be left default

## Recaptcha: Anti-spam for registering ##
## Obtain one here:
PUBLIC_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY=XYZABCDEFGH # "Use this site key in the HTML code your site serves to users."
RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY=XYZABCDEFGH # "Use this secret key for communication between your site and reCAPTCHA."

# Google Auth


## Database (only MySQL supported) ##
MYSQL_HOSTNAME=db # Unless you're providing your own database, do not change this

# Required for certificate generation on caddy, these must match your PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL and PUBLIC_FRONTEND_URL

The BACKEND_FQDN and FRONTEND_FQDN are required for ssl-certificate generation and NEED to match your frontend and backend urls. These are the domains your dashboard and the associated API will be reachable from.

Starting the docker-service

Running the following command to start your LicenseGate dashboard:

# -d to start in detached mode
docker compose up -d

Viewing your dashboard

Please wait up to a minute for the dashboard to fully start up, including its database and API.

You can now visit the dashboard under your PUBLIC_FRONTEND_URL.

Advanced Users

Running LicenseGate on a different port

LicenseGate will require to run on a https port per default. In order to change that port, you need to at least ONCE run the dashboard for the certificates to be generated.

Before changing ports, the docker containers have to be fully shutdown.

Changing the ports can be done the following:

Changing ports on docker-compose.yml:

    image: lucaslorentz/caddy-docker-proxy:ci-alpine
      - 80:80 # change first set of numbers here (ex. 8080:80)
      - 443:443 # change first set of numbers here (ex. 8443:443)
      - caddy
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - caddy_data:/data
    restart: unless-stopped

Changing ports within .env variables

Changing elements within the .env variables require a full rebuild of the images. This can be done by shutting down the containers using docker compose down --rmi local to remove relevant images. Volumes are not deleted unless -v is used too.

# Backend
PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL= # change ports here by adding :port-number
PUBLIC_FRONTEND_URL= # change ports here by adding :port-number
# Frontend
PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL= # change ports here by adding :port-number

Keep in mind that renewing certificates may cause issues when changing ports. If you wish to renew certificates, change the port back to the previous one, then generate new ones.