LicenseGate Wrapper for Java

  1. Add as dependency
    1. Maven
    2. Gradle (Groovy)
    3. Gradle (Kotlin)
    4. Manual
  2. Usage
    1. Usage Examples
      1. Basic example
      2. Supplying your RSA public key for challenge verification
      3. Compact usage
      4. Passing a scope
      5. Debugging
      6. Using your own LicenseGate server

Add as dependency


  <name>Respark - Maven Repository</name>


Gradle (Groovy)

repositories {
  maven {
    url ''

dependencies {
  implementation 'dev.respark.licensegate:license-gate:1.X.X'

Gradle (Kotlin)

repositories {
  maven {
    url = uri("")

dependencies {

Replacing 1.X.X with the latest version provided on the Maven Repository.


Alternatively, you can also download the JAR file from the Maven Repository and add it to your project manually. Or get the class from our GitHub repository. This class includes all functionality but depends on the jackson library.


The wrappers provide a simple way to interact with the LicenseGate verification API. For details on the API and its parameters, see the API reference. The maven repository also includes the JavaDocs which provides detailed information about the methods and their parameters.

Usage Examples

Basic example

// Initialize the LicenseGate client
LicenseGate licenseGate = new LicenseGate("YOUR_USER_ID");

// Check a license
LicenseGate.ValidationType result = licenseGate.verify("LICENSE_KEY");

// Handle the result
if (result == LicenseGate.ValidationType.VALID) {
    // License is valid
} else if (result == LicenseGate.ValidationType.EXPIRED) {
    // License is expired (e.g. prompt user to renew)
} else {
    // License is invalid (check documentation for all possible types)

Supplying your RSA public key for challenge verification

// Your public RSA key (can be found in your settings)
// Ensure to fully include it as is on your settings, do not cut away the "begin" and "end" of it
final String PUBLIC_KEY = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIB2d/... -----END PUBLIC KEY-----";

// Initialize the LicenseGate client
LicenseGate licenseGate = new LicenseGate("YOUR_USER_ID", PUBLIC_KEY);

Compact usage

// In just one line
boolean isValid = new LicenseGate("YOUR_USER_ID")

Passing a scope

boolean isValid = new LicenseGate("YOUR_USER_ID")
    .verify("LICENSE_KEY", "SCOPE")


// Having trouble? Enable debug mode
new LicenseGate("YOUR_USER_ID").debug().verify("LICENSE_KEY");

Using your own LicenseGate server

new LicenseGate("YOUR_USER_ID").setValidationServer("").verify("LICENSE_KEY");

The URL should point to your LicenseGate backend server, not the web interface.